Strengthen and Deepen Your Relationship
While Raising Young Children

Childproof Your Relationship

What is Childproof Your Relationship?

When you and your partner started building your family, you probably made a point to plan and prepare for the multitude of changes that come with being parents. Or, maybe, one or both of you came into the relationship with children and you’ve had to deal with these issues from the very beginning. Either way, you likely put some time and effort into considering issues like childcare and how raising children would impact your work life and finances.

But how much time did the two of you spend planning and preparing for how you would remain close and connected while raising children?

If you are like most people, probably not much! If you did discuss it, you probably did so in a way that was more general rather than coming up with a specific plan for how you would accomplish this.

Now, here you are, raising young children, and your relationship is suffering.

Your lives revolve around the needs of your children and the demands of one or both of your jobs. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day to take care of all the things that need doing, and carving out time for your relationship is low down on your list of priorities.

  1. You argue more than you ever have before.

  2. You feel unsupported and unappreciated by your partner. Intimacy? What’s that?

  3. You feel increasingly disconnected from one another and miss the way things used to be between the two of you.

Does this sound familiar?

If so, it’s time to Childproof Your Relationship.

Here are some things people tell themselves
that can get in the way of strengthening their relationship…


“My plate is full and there’s no way I can add anything else to it.”

“These problems will get better in a few years when the kids are older.”

“Our kids need all of our attention; we can focus on our relationship later.”

“Getting some help is a sign of weakness or means that our relationship
is in serious trouble.”

Relationships are not self-sustaining; Just like any other important thing in your life, your relationship needs some regular time and attention.

Relationship problems that are not addressed tend to get worse, not better, over time.

Children learn about partner relationships from the important adults in their lives and will benefit from seeing you and your partner take care of your relationship.

You don’t need to make drastic changes. Rather than doing dozens of things to try and improve your relationship, you need a simple plan that uses solid strategies.

Taking action leads to success. Nothing will change unless or until you take action, no matter how much you might want it to...

You’ve got to be brave and vulnerable to make your relationship work. It might be hard and/or a little scary at times but is well worth the effort!


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