
My Story

I started my professional career in 2001 working as a staff psychologist in the Counseling Center at a small University in Texas. The almost seven years I spent at that job gave me invaluable experience working with all manner of people and problems, but I was especially drawn toward working with clients who were struggling with relationship issues. It was so rewarding and energizing to be able to help these clients that I knew this was what I wanted to do professionally. I left that job in 2008 and opened my own private therapy practice specializing in helping individuals and couples repair, restore, and recover from troubled relationships.

Contrary to popular belief, relationship therapists are not immune to the problems and struggles experienced by other couples. Those early parenting years were the most challenging and difficult of my 25+ year-long marriage. My husband and I were so busy trying to raise healthy, happy children and develop our careers that we didn’t make our relationship a priority the way we had before kids came into our lives. We didn’t think it was a problem at first since getting some sleep and spending time together as a family seemed more important right then., As time passed, our relationship began to suffer and we felt like we were drifting apart. We knew we had to do something if our marriage was going to survive. It took some trial and error but we managed to find our way back to one another and now our relationship is stronger than ever.

Over the years, I noticed in my private therapy practice that many of the couples I saw were struggling with the same kinds of relationship problems my husband and I experienced when our children were young. I decided in 2021 to open an online coaching business because my therapy practice was full and I wanted to be able to help more people who were struggling with these issues. I don’t want you to struggle; I want to give you the tools you need to have a strong relationship while raising young children.

I currently live in North Central Texas with my husband, our two children, and our dog.